Risk Management and Insurance Planning Textbook
This textbook is used for Risk Management and Insurance Planning Courses in Personal Financial Planning Postgraduate Programs at Community Colleges and Universities. You will also find it valuable in your personal studies in preparation for writing the Professional Exams.
The Textbook includes 234 pages addressing the components of Risk Management and Insurance Planning as defined in the CFP® Body of Knowledge and the PFP® Professional Competency Profiles.
Risk Management
Risk Of Disability
Health Insurance
Critical Illness Insurance
Long-Term Care Insurance
Life Insurance
Property And Casualty Insurance
Insurance Contracts
The proceeds of a life insurance policy may be payable to the policyowner, the policyowner’s estate or a beneficiary designated by the policyowner.
A primary beneficiary is the first named beneficiary who must survive the death of the life insured in order in order to collect the proceeds. A contingent beneficiary is a person who will receive the proceeds if the primary beneficiaries predecease the life insured.
Marianne purchased a policy and named Fred, her common-law partner as the beneficiary. She named her mother as the contingent beneficiary. She named her aunt as the contingent beneficiary subsequent to her mother. Fred predeceased Marianne.
When Marianne died, her mother was still alive and received the proceeds. If her mother was deceased and her aunt alive, her aunt would have received the proceeds.
The Personal Financial Planner's Manual™
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